St James Bix

Tel: (01491) 628297 
Email the Office

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The current physical structure of the present St James’ church is good; the roof and walls have been restored to their splendid Victorian state and the church is a popular venue for weddings as well as the other rites of passage. Its present congregation loves it and nurtures it, but they wish to maximise its appeal and increase its use by the wider community. We see the potential for this wonderful building to meet the current unmet need of our local population and serve as a multi-purpose Community Hub.

For more information, pleaase refer to the Community Hub section on this website

We hope you will join us at one of our regular services at St James:

1st Sunday in the Month - No Service (services at other parishes within the Benefice are available)

2nd Sunday in the Month - Holy Communion at 10:30am

5th Sunday in the Month - rotating service in one of the parishes within the Benefice

The chuch is open for private prayer each day 10am - 4pm

In addition, there are "in person" services at one of more of the other parishes within our Group of Benefices each Sunday - Greys, Nettlebed, Pishill and Nuffied.

You are assured of a friendly and warm welcome from our priest, the reverend Mark Ainsworth, the PCC and the whole congregation. We are a sociable church, and especially enjoy receiving visits from those about to get married, or have been married, in the church.  

Do come and visit us!



Details of the Parish Safeguarding officer

Church History

Church History - new church



Sunday 9th February
10:30am - 11:30am -
Sunday 16th February
10:30am - 11:30am -
Wednesday 19th February
10:00am - 12:00pm -
Sunday 23rd February
10:30am - 11:30am -
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